Why a Task Force?

This Task Force gathers GAT and LCIF Area Leaders to better coordinate our communication and, most of all, our actions, as to the help we are providing to victims and refugees in and around Ukraine.

The work of all our Lions clubs, districts and Multiple Districts is outstanding and shows our commitment to serve. At the beginning of the war, the help was mainly provided directly from clubs and districts.

It appeared necessary to coordinate our actions. Europe-wide and world-wide coordination was missing. A Task Force was formed for that purpose.

The role of the Task Force is to gather information on what has been done, on the needs there are, and on what available support (funds or goods) there is, with the purpose to match needs with available support. And, most of all, strongly encourage all Lions to trust LCIF to coordinate our actions.


Members, Mission and Resources of the Task Force

The Task Force is a joint GAT and Campaign 100 inititative, demonstrating how LCI and LCIF can, even more efficitently, work together, as our upcoming Stategic Plan, Lions International, is setting forth.

Area Leaders members of the Task Force
GAT : PID Miklos Horwath, PDG Niels Schnecker, PDG Kasia Gebert
LCIF : PID Philippe Gerondal, PID Claudettre Cornet and PID Robert Rettby.

To empower the mission of the Task Force, it is essential that all districts report past and current activities, availabilites and/or needs. Coordination, and a global picture of what Lions are doing, will contribute to the success of our endeavour.

Dont hesitate to send us pictures and success stories.

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