This website, originally meant to promote the largest possible participation of Lions Clubs in Europe to a common Europe-wide LCIF day, has now also become a source of information about LCIF, the Lions Clubs International Foundation.
We are currently updating this page for 2024-2025 with new information, so please bear with us and come back soon.
You will find here Europe related LCIF resources, information, success stories and great upcoming projects.
Of course, it remains a source of information and inspiration about the LCIF Day.
Following the successes of the previous LCIF Days, this initiative continues.
During the recent LCIF Coordinators meeting at the Europa Forum in Bordeaux, under the inspiring leadership of LCIF Chairperson Dr Patti Hill, it was unanimously confirmed that there will be a 2025 LCIF Day. It will be on
Saturday May 17, 2025
Stay tuned for more information soon.
The theme will once again be the support of victims, refugees and displaced persons due to wars and to natural disasters.
Start planning now to make sure to be among the many clubs and districts all over Europe to celebrate the great work of our International Foundation, informing the population, building strong awareness among our Lions, and raising funds to empower the mission of LCIF.
There are dedicated pages we invite you to visit about the recent and ongoing major disasters in Europe, with information as to how to help, and how LCIF can coordinate our humanitarian efforts:
Lions Help Ukrainian Refugees
Lions Help victims of the Earthquake
The "Winter is Coming to Ukraine" projects
What is a LCIF Day?
The mission of Lions Clubs International Foundation is to support the efforts of Lions clubs in serving communities locally and globally, giving hope and impacting lives through humanitarian service projects and grants.
During the Lions year 2022-2023, CA IV Europe received 135 grants, totalling USD 8'213'035.00, while the worldwide total grants was USD 33’578’477.00
During the Lions year 2023-2024, CA IV received grants for a total of USD 9'322'152.00, representing 20.1% of worldwide total grants
The only ressources of the LCIF being donations, we count on the continued generosity of donors, be it districts, clubs or individual Lions, to allow LCIF to pursue it's mission.
The fundraising stretch goal in Europe this year was USD 8'800'000.00 and we reached USD 9'720'000.00, representing 148% of our initial goal, and 111% of the stretch goal. Worldwide best!
The LCIF Day is an extraordinary Europe-wide event. The goal is, for all Lions Clubs in Europe, to be seen, giving our clubs and our service activities the visibility we deserve, as well as raising funds for the LCIF. The LCIF Day is an opportunity for the Lions of Europe to come together to demonstrate our spirit of unity and commitment.
Given the success of allLCIF Days since 2021, we encourage all clubs and districts to pursue the initiative.
The 2024 LCIF Day was on Saturday June 1st, 2024. Stay tuned for upcoming information on the next 2025 edition
With fundraising actions that raise just 10 Euros per Lion on average, Europe can add €2.2 million in donations to support future projects, while encouraging new members to join our clubs and our community of service.
This page is regularly updated. You will find here resources, stories, and latest information.
Let us know what you need : This is your page.
Your contributions to this website with messages, projects, events or success stories, are most welcome.
Just send us a message using the contact form below.
Find out more about the LCIF Day...
This website is regularly updated - Welcome back !
The fundraising numbers of 2023-2024 are amazing!
CA4 reached USD 9'720'000.00, representing 148% of our initial goal. Look at the slide with the CA4 Fundraising summary. You can find the full Fundraising and Goals Power Point as presented at the LCIF training in Berlin.
LCIF Coordinators trainings
The 2024 training took place in Berlin on September 13-15.
All Power Point decks, and more information, from this training can be found with this link
The 2023 training place in Oslo on September 9-10, and in Bologna on September 16-17.
The Power Point decks are still available and can be found with this link.
Winter is Coming to Ukraine - WICTU
After the success of the 2022-2023 generators project, with 1.5 Million raised, and 2200+ generators shipped to and distributed in Ukraine, the 2023-2024 project for Ukraine was about delivering stoves. They serve to cook and to heat.
Thanks to generous donations from Europe, and even worldwide, not less than 8'100 stoves have been produced, shipped and delivered to families in Ukraine.
Find out more about WICTU here.
Come back soon to find out about next WICTU project, which will be decided at the Europa Forum in Bordeaux and shortly therefater communicated.
Other International News
There are landing pages for our Help for Ukraine, and for our Help to the victims of the earthquake, both regularly updated.
You can also find here the Power Point LCIF Presentations at the latest Europa Forums.
The extraordinary Online Recognition Event on May 4, 2023, can still be followed on youtube.com/live/upQWazd9LYA For those who could not join, or only partly joined, or who wish to follow again.
The program, the speakers, and more, can also still be found on the
dedicated ORE landing page.
Links to useful resources

Europe News, Events and Resources
Latest LCIF 2024-25 Progress Update
NEW - LCIF Day 2024 Press release template
And, let's not forget the Campaign 100
It was a success, in the world and in Europe.
Worldwide, we raised more than 325 Million USD, representing 108% of our target.
CA IV, Europe, also exceeded the target, ending second best Constitutional Area, after CA V
Let us be inspired by this success:
C100 Quarterly Progress and Final Results

Trainings and Conferences
CA4 LCIF Trainings :
LCIF 2024 Coordinators Training in Berlin
LCIF Training Content Overview
LCIF 2023 Coordinators Training Oslo and Bologna
Europa Forum Presentations :
EF 2023 LCIF Session and Workshop
EF 2022 LCIF Coordinators Workshop
EF 2022 Ukraine Task Force Presentation
EF 2021 Campaign 100 Presentation