
2024 LCIF Coordinators Training in Berlin


The annual LCIF Coordinators training took place in 2024 on September 13 to 15 in Berlin, this year for all areas together.
Not less than 100 attended: LCIF Coordinators, Area Leaders and Consitutional Area Leaders. We also had the honour to count on the active participation of International Director Marcel Daniƫls and Trustee Sandro Castellana.
From our headquarters, Paul Steele, Regional Development Manager, brilliantly facilted the training, KaSondra Byrd, Global Grants Division Manager, updated us on everything we needed to know about grants, and Ellen Zipprich, Development Specialist, did an oustanding work making everything possibe for the attendees' very best experience. Our Interpreters, as always excellent, allowed our Italian, English and Finnish participants to fully benefit from the training. Many thanks to all!

As most had already participated to the very comprehensive trainings in Copenhagen, Oslo and Bologna the previous years, we chose this time to devote more time to sharing experiences, successes and challenges, as well as teambuiding and brainstorming. We also had several presentations of amazing Lions Stories from our Area Leaders and Coordinators.

You will find below links to some of the Power Point presentations, ressources, pictures and other information from these training days. More presentations, pictures and videos will soon also be available.

You can also download the full Power Point deck, for each day, including the videos.
But be aware they are close to, or even more than, 1 GB!!

And a few images - more to come. Click on an image to see and download it in full size